Dry Carolina Reaper Peppers – Versatile and Delicious!
Did you ever wonder how many pounds of Carolinarolina Reaper peppers we use to make 1lb of Carolina Reaper dried peppers? The answer is simple. The Ratio is 10 to 1. This means 10lb of fresh Reaper peppers will make 1lb of dried Carolina Reaper Pods that contain 8-11% moisture. The moisture level is important because the lower the moisture content, the safer it is to consume. When we grind dry Carolina Reaper peppers to powder or flakes, we lose an extra 5-10% of the weight.
Whether you want to find Dry Carolina Reaper peppers for sale, or you are interested in dehydrating them yourself, there are lots of ways to use Carolina Reaper dry pepper pods. With the growing popularity of chili peppers and spicy foods, finding places to buy dried Carolina Reaper pods is getting easier. You may purchase them online, or from a local market. There are many different ways to use the dried peppers.
Cooking with whole dried Carolina Reaper Peppers
Cooking with the Carolina Reaper Whole Peppers can be very challenging as you can control the heat by applying small amount as you would do with powder or flakes. you may drop 1 Carolina Reaper Pod to a bowl of dish for 20 serves and if it’s not hot? add another pepper pod.
Make Your Own Pepper Flakes
Once you have your dry Carolina Reaper peppers, you can crush the pods to make your own hot pepper flakes. Crush them by hand with a pestle and mortar, use a blender or food processor to make the pepper flakes. You can also lay them on a hard surface and crush them using a rolling pin. Dried peppers crush easily. If you wear gloves you can even crush them with your hands but please use 2 or 3 layers of powder-free gloves. No matter what method you use to crush them, be gentle or you will end up with Reaper powder! That’s okay – if you want powder. For those who prefer using powder over flakes, Carolina Reaper dry pods can be crushed into powder.
Dried peppers crush easily. If you wear gloves you can even crush them with your hands but please remember to wear 2 or 3 layers of powder-free gloves. No matter what method you use to crush them, be gentle or you will end up with Reaper powder! That’s okay – if you want powder, but if you want flakes take it easy on the dried pepper pods. Pak your hot pepper flakes and label them so you’ll remember that you made your own pepper flakes!
Rehydrate the Dried Pods for Cooking
When you buy Carolina Reaper pepper pods that are already dried, you can rehydrate them and use them in your favorite dishes. Rehydrating the peppers is easy. Put the dried pods in a bowl and pour enough water over them to barely cover them. Cover the bowl and let it sit until the peppers become pliable. This usually takes about 10 minutes.
If you want to add a toasty flavor to your peppers, place the dried peppers in a hot skillet without any oil or liquid and let them cook just until a little smoke rises. Then turn the pepper over and let it cook until a wisp of smoke rises. Then proceed with rehydrating the peppers. After the pepper pods have rehydrated, chop them up and add them to any dish. You may also use the rehydrated peppers to make salsa, marinades, mashes or sauces.
Grind the Pepper Pods into Powder
For those who prefer using powder over flakes, Carolina Reaper dry pods can be crushed into powder.
You may use a coffee grinder, food processor or blender to transform dried pods into a usable powder. Since you are making it yourself, you can grind it as fine as you prefer. It can be left coarse, or ground until it is a fine powder. Once it is in powder form, you can sprinkle the desired amount into your favorite dishes and recipes to add flavor and spice.
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